Monday, June 13, 2011

Six Months

six months old my baby of mine...

She makes my heart leap every time I get to snuggle her and breathe her sweet baby smell.  Having a baby girl around has been quite fun since having two boys back to back.  Six months is when all the really cute clothes come out especially the summer dresses.  It's been fun pulling out old baby clothes I dressed Stella in and reminiscing when she was a baby. 

Chloe has been a complete delight in our family and we can't imagine life without her.  She's the cherry on top.  Her personality is coming out with babbles and giggles and lots of curiosity of the world around her.  And she said "mama" the other day...but I'm thinking it was just her sounds.  She loves her siblings and wants to be around them all the time.  Rolling and rolling around the floor is her favorite past time.  Not quite sitting up but getting there.  And she's got her first tooth coming in.

Chloe is wearing Hartstring vintage sailor


  1. I enjoy getting my baby snuggles with Chloe. She does have that baby smell still and her smiles melt my heart. But it still doesn't make me baby hungry.

    Happy 6 Months chloe.

  2. So adorable! Now that I have a baby I know exactly what you are talking about. You can't help but loving them more and more everyday :)

  3. I make a lot of baby food too, one tip I use is to blend it up and pour it into ice cube trays. Makes it easy to choose portions and then you don't have to make it every day. Spray some cooking spray in there and it'll be easy to get the cubes out.

    She's so adorable!

  4. Great photos! She's an adorable baby.
