Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 months

I haven't posted any recent updates on my little baby.  Because we were traveling I missed her 9-month mark and now she is 10 months.  Boo-hoo!  That means she is ALMOST one, and my baby will soon be a toddler.  Because of lack of space, the hubby has been making me get rid of some of my baby gear...bouncy chair, baby swing, baby jumper.  I thought it would be easy to give away, but when I had a moment of a tearful breakdown I realized how attached I'd become to these items and how they are SO MUCH more than an object to keep a baby occupied.  Giving them away has definitely made it final that the baby-making chapter in my life has ended and my babies are not-so-much babies anymore.  Sigh.

My Chloe is in a really fun stage now.  She is talking using two-syllable words like "mama", "dada", "baba", "uh-oh".  She crawls really fast.  Opening cupboards and pulling everything out is one of your favorite things to do.  And if books are on the book shelf, she makes it a priority to pull them all off--no questions asked.  She turns her noses up on baby food--she wants only the goods.  And she has just enough hair for me to put in a hair elastic.  Adorable!
Chloe is wearing Gap ruffled tank oneies and scalloped cardigan and Missoni for Target sweater leggings