Friday, July 10, 2009


All time favorite summer vegetable--cooked on the grill, butter, salt and a little fresh mint. Yum. Find really good grilling recipes here.


  1. We love corn on the grill around here too! When I don't have time to do much prepping with seasoning it... we just throw it on the grill husk and all. I just snip off the tops so they won't burn. This is my favorite way to eat it!

  2. I love, love, love corn on the grill. It's our favorite in the summertime!

  3. Zach is obsessed with corn this time of year! I think I throw it on the grill every night until september. Love the mint idea!

  4. Mint?!?!?! I might just try that. I love corn on the grill. Mmmmmm now I am hungry :)

  5. I have never heard of putting mint on corn... but now I'm curious. I'll have to try it. I just bought some cute corn holders that I'm excited to use!
