Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Get Minxed

I love getting a manicure and pedicure. During the summer, I'm pretty good keeping up with pedicured toes. Now my fingers? That's a different story. I don't do manicures, unless it's a special occasion. On me the nail polish would last for a day. No point. But there is this new product called Minx. I heard about it watching E!News, then forgot the name and then rediscovered it. Basically Minx is a nail product that doesn't chip and lasts a really long time. Like 2 months! When it's applied to your finger nails you don't even have to wait until it dries, and it's available in really cool patterns and colors.


  1. I love having my nails painted, but I NEVER do it because it lasts like two seconds on my fingers! This is so cool! Thanks for the info. I doubt any one in my area will be doing this soon...

  2. I never paint my nails because the paint chips in less than a day. I am hard on my hands. This looks interesting though. There is a salon in Nashville that does these, but I wonder how expensive they are. Thank goodness I have a family wedding coming up for an excuse ;)

  3. So basically your nails grow out before this stuff chips off? Interesting. I do believe I need to head over to the website to check it out!
