Monday, November 30, 2009

Plimoth Plantation

Stella missed her Thanksgiving feast at school. They were preparing and talking about it all month. She was so sad when she woke up sick and couldn't attend. So by the end of the week we decided to visit Plymouth Mass. where it all began and take in the history. We saw Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower (replica). Those were cool to see.
But our favorite and where we spent the most time was at Plimoth Plantation. This is where they recreated a 1627 Pilgrim English village and a Native American homesite. In the village you can enter into the homes and talk to the Pilgrims, who only answer in Old English. It was fascinating!
You really start to feel like you've been transported back in time, and then you ask them questions about their hardships settling in a new world and their relationship with the Native People. The village has roaming farm animals and each home has a real garden. It was cold outside so most were inside heating up a stew on their fires. The Wampanoag Homesite was neat because you got to hear about their ancestors and see the traditional deerskin clothing. By the time we got to the homesite my camera was full so i got no pictures!


  1. Stella sounded excited about her trip. Sounds both fun and educational.

  2. That sounds so fun, I have always wanted to go to Plimouth Plantation for Thanksgiving. Maybe next year.

  3. I love this place. We have done it a couple of times. Aren't we lucky to live so close to all this history?

  4. That last pic of Stella chasing the chicken/rooster makes me laugh because I have a picture of Steve doing almost the exact same thing at this exact same place! Only he was twenty something at the time :) What a fun trip!

  5. I love that you did this. I have been trying to convince my husband the last two years, that our kids would have a good time. I think it's awesome that we live so close and to visit Plimouth around the Thanksgiving holiday.
    I was so pushing for us to go this year. Hopefully next year...
    It looks like you had a great time even though it was cold!
    Take care, Bre

  6. Did you guys eat there too? I tried to get reservations for the full dinner two months ago and they only had 11am time slots left. Looks like fun.

  7. We were supposed to go here this year too! We were in New Hampshire with my cousin's family and planned on going the day after Thanksgiving, but it was raining. We would have gone on Saturday, but Ken thought he was passing a kidney stone and didn't feel up for it. Maybe next year! :)
