Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas to all! Now I'm going to go wrap, wrap, wrap, enjoy my little family and the true meaning of Christmas. I love experiencing Christmas through my children's eyes--it's so magical!

Here's the inside of our Christmas cards that were mailed out. We had fun and played up the family picture. Okay, one of my goals next year is getting a formal family picture taken. My little baby is getting neglected. There are no pictures of him up on walls and framed. Third child. I know. Anyway, Merry Christmas!
ps--click on the images to see the full picture.


  1. Darleen! I adore this! So creative, so cute, perfect!!! Those kiddos are very sweet.

  2. so cute, dar! you're always so clever. merry christmas!!

  3. Beautiful pics of a beautiful family!
    Merry christmas!

  4. LOVED the card! So cute. Will you design mine next year? :)

  5. You are TOO creative! I love these pictures! :) I can't believe you got your husband to participate... what a good sport!

  6. Those are TOO CUTE! You are so creative! Hope you had a great Christmas.

  7. We just got your card in the mail. I love these photos!

  8. I love!!! you card. So creative and beautiful.
