Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tea Party Invites

During a crazy, madness hectic day, I somehow whipped these invitations up for Stella's tea party in less than an hour. And I LOVE the results. They are so cute! Stella helped by putting a little glitter on the front and back of each invitations. A social butterfly, her party invite list is long. And I really want to cut it down by half but she insists that each girl must be invited because they are her friend. My problem is that we are having it at our house and space is an issue. I wanted to outsource the location but options are limited in the 'burbs. My fingers are cross that the weather will be nice and we can have it outside.


  1. How on earth do you do it? Your invitations are always amazing. Do you buy the invites and then add the print yourself? Or do you design the whole thing? I need to know your tricks. :)

  2. those are so cute. I can't wait to see the party.

  3. So super cute. Wish I could be there. I would love to see Miss B and here all her insightful advice and being a lady.

  4. I thought you were supposed to be tired when you are pregnant... what's up with you? It's like you have crazy woman energy. You make me sick! Those are darling!

  5. Can't wait to see the actual birthday party photos. You need to start doing these services professionally. These are spectacular.
