Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Newest Addition

Chloe Kathleen
8lbs 4 oz and 19 inches long

She's tiny and petite with long fingers and toes and stick legs.
She's my smallest baby.

We are truly blessed and are so happy she has joined our family!

PS--I'm laying low because I'm still in recovery but will try to post more pictures. :)


  1. Oh Darleen she is beautiful!!!!

  2. she's gorgeous dar, congrats! and i love the name!

  3. Congratulations! She's beautiful and love the name. Hang in there mama and hope recovery is pleasant! xoxo

  4. She's a love!! So happy for you!

  5. Love the name. You were right she totally looks like a Chole. I sent the package on Friday. I hope it gets to you on time. Let me know when it gets there. I hope the cocoon fits. If not I can send another. She is beautiful. Can't wait to meet her. Hope you are doing good. Xoxo.

  6. What a beautiful little girl. She looks so toasty and warm. Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations, Darleen, she's beautiful (but doesn't look very petite :))

  8. Oh, she's beautiful! So, so beautiful! I wish I could meet her. Does she look like Stella as a baby? I can't tell? And you should be getting the headbands in the am. It says the package is in Stamford already and will be delivered no later than noon. I hope you like the headbands. I hope they are what you want and need. Some are newborn and some are for 10 months and on. The bigger ones can actually fit Stella, too. Miss you!

  9. Oh I LOVE the name Chloe!! That fits your family perfectly! She's perfect in every way! Congrats to you all! I'm so happy for you! Hugs and kisses!!!!

  10. She is so stinkin' cute! When can I come visit??

  11. Darleen - I LOVE the name you chose - it just fits your family. congratulations!! I hope you are feeling better. I so understand the feeling right now :) Let me know any good advice for taking on 4...

  12. YAY...I'm so glad she is here! I love that you chose Chloe...love her name! I hope you are recovering well. Take your time in recovering. I enjoyed every minute and savored my baby while recovering because I knew it was our last! Love you and wish you all the best!
    Tell your mom HELLO from me...I adore her!

  13. YAY!!! Congrats on another sweet baby girl!! Can't wait to see her!
