Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my darlings! Hope your new year was more eventful than mine and surrounded by people you love. I always enjoy the new year because it gives me a chance to step back and reevaluate my life--where I can improve and make changes. So here are just a few of my 2011 resolutions.

1.take a vacation with the hubby
2.lose 30 lbs!
3. sign up for the New York City Marathon lottery and try to get in
4.hire a cleaner
5.be better about picking up my clothes (I'm worse than my kids!)
6.be more creative on how I style my hair
7.leave the comfort of my suburb and enjoy a day in the NYC at least once a month
8.decorate my bedroom--it's been neglected
9.take a class to learn something new
10.empty the dishwasher at the beginning of the day, not the end of the day.
What are your resolutions?

{image here}


  1. love your resolutions! i need to make the dishwasher one. my day would go much more smoothly...

  2. so funny that your friend commented on your dishwasher resolution! That's the one that stuck out for me too!!! <3

  3. by the way, it's me, mary xoxo couldn't get my layx4 to post so had to go with "anonymous"

  4. One solution for item number 6... let's put some rooster feathers in your hair!
