Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chloe's Blessing Day

Chloe was blessed (christened) this past weekend. I was so happy that my parents were able to come out and participate. The blessing was beautiful, sweet and spiritual. Chloe was able to be blessed in our family's 100-year-old christening dress that was hand stitched by Chloe's great-great-great Grandmother, who made it for Chloe's great Grandpa, who was also blessed in it. And I was blessed in it and all my other children were blessed in it. It's a very sentimental heirloom. I hope it will stay together for another 100 years!

Chloe was mesmerized by my dad and his soothing voice and those bear-like arms. Every time he held her she would go in a trace and then fall a sleep.
After church we had a small gathering of close friends over for lunch. I made it easy--sandwiches, soup and little cakes.


  1. How lovely and special is that? You all looked beautiful (and Chloe like a little angel!). And the party must have been perfect - those soups, those drinks, those cakes!!

  2. beautiful baby, beautiful party...all the things i expect from you! ;)

  3. Congratulations! She is pretty. I love her name. It was the name we would have chosen if I was expecting a girl.
