Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Couple's Photo Op

At the chocolate party and past ones I've thrown, I like to have a silly photobooth set up for couples to take memorable pictures. Besides the overload of chocolate, it's one of my favorite parts of the evening because at the end of the night I have a picture of just me and the hubby. This year's photobooth was one of my favorite. I ordered the chalkboard speech bubbles from Playing Grown Up and the fabric backdrop is from Ikea. All the couples had a great time thinking up what they were going to write. Here are a few of my favorites.
My fabulous girls...
And babe...I'll have to disagree you on that one.


  1. LOVE the bubbles, so creative. I still want to see ALL of them sometime :)

  2. Oh still laughing. . . Matt and Jen's is my favorite.

  3. Such a great idea! Your so creative :)

  4. Love these!!! The hippest bunch of couples I know. And you are the most fun, creative gal out there.

  5. So good to see some of my favorite people from CT. Looks so much fun!
