Monday, January 30, 2012

Talent Show

Oh the joys of having school kids!  You get to spend many days helping out for the school talent show.  The show was this weekend, and I was so proud of all the children and how much time and energy they put into their performance.  They all rocked the house!  My Lucas told jokes.  He was so silly and had all the parents laughing in their seats.  And received many whistles when he took his bow at the end of the show.  Stella performed a tap dance act with her dance partner friend to Selena Gomez's "Love Song" and had many parents bopping their heads.  Time to put away the baby music and start listening to top music hits!  I was surprised how all the children knew word by word every top music hits song that was played at the performance.   Good times.


  1. Yes - I'll bet his jokes rocked. Love the glasses :)

  2. How cute. I love how each of your kids has their own talent. Maybe I need lucas to tell me some of his jokes.

  3. I wish we had been there to see them perform. The pictures are so cute.

  4. The way she is dressed did she play with a dildo on stage or something? Unbelievable how she is dressed!
