Monday, August 24, 2009

Blueberry Eyes

Oh my little blueberry-eyes boy! He is nine months and growing. Too quickly, that is. I'm so backward with doctor visits--anyone know if he's suppose to go at nine months? So I don't have any stats but here are a few things going on in his little busy life.
  • Crawling everywhere and standing up
  • A very serious/curious child. He likes to examine objects--not much of a test-tastier, more a finger-tester. Pays close attention to different noises.
  • Interested in things that open and close
  • Loves the sand and is determined to catch a sea gull
  • Already saying "mama" and calls for me.
  • Bring his blankie, and he'll sleep anywhere
  • Knows a little bit of basic sign language
  • Clapping and almost knows how to blow kisses, wave and give kisses