Monday, August 24, 2009

Family Tree

I've been wanting to put a framed whimsical family tree together for a while so the children can know who their grandparents/ancestors are. Just because family members have passed on we shouldn't forget them! Because of an obligation I had at my church, it gave me the opportunity to finally get my act together. And I'm so happy with the results. I found this template on Valentina Design. I can't find the exact link, but I'm sure if you email her she'll send the file. I positioned the different PNG files in Photoshop to my liking, added family pictures and text. Because of time I printed on 11x17 at Kinkos and put in Ikea frame. It came out great!


  1. oh Darleen I love it!!! I think I am just going to have to copy you (:

  2. Thank you so much for posting your tree using my digital kit :)
    Looks great!

  3. Ok that is cute! You have inspired me to do a family tree!! Good idea!

