Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh No He Didn't

Time to babyproof. Look how excited baby is standing up in his crib! He was so proud of himself when he figured out this little trick of pulling himself up. The world is a different place when you stand up. He is loving the new view and the new exploration.


  1. Look at that face, LOVE IT! He looks so much like stella as a baby.

    I can't believe how grown up he is. Isn't he going to be turning one in Nov?

  2. What a great photo. He's so proud of himself!

  3. I have to say that I really resent these little people getting so big so fast!

    He is a cutie!

  4. That is too CUTE! LOVE the photo. can't wait to have another little babe

  5. He is darling Darleen. Made my day:)

  6. I love that picture!! It was fun to run into you the other day. Take care, Bre

  7. Great photo of Jackson. He does seem very proud and happy to be standing up!
